Zoom Ultra Get 15GB Free,15% Discount On Monthly Subscription On Every New Ultra Connection & Modem
*To get the additional usage customer has to log in tk 400 or above monthly plan paying the monthly fee each month
*Customer will get 3GB Additional usage on top of the regular usage limit for 5 Months
*to get 15% Discount On Monthly Subscription customer has to log in any monthly plan each month
*Customer will get 3GB Additional usage on top of the regular usage limit for 5 Months
*to get 15% Discount On Monthly Subscription customer has to log in any monthly plan each month
paying the monthly fee first
*Offer will be canceled if any month bill not paid or not active or plan not activated
Prepaid Connection & Modem 1490tk
Postpaid Connection & Modem 1990tk
*Offer will be canceled if any month bill not paid or not active or plan not activated
Prepaid Connection & Modem 1490tk
Postpaid Connection & Modem 1990tk

1.Return your working "Zoom modem & Connection" to get brand new "Ultra modem & connection", Fee 490Tk,
2.Return your "Zoom Connection" to get brand new "Ultra modem & Connection",Fee 990TK
*Postpaid customers will get tk 1000 discount(in equal 8 Installments) on monthly subscription fee if they migrate to higher bundle fee
*offer will be available at all Customer care Centers & Selected Customer care Points
*Zoom Modem only in working condition will be considered for replacement
*Has to clear due bill if postpaid
*offer applicable for customers who activated their connection before 2012
2.Return your "Zoom Connection" to get brand new "Ultra modem & Connection",Fee 990TK
*Postpaid customers will get tk 1000 discount(in equal 8 Installments) on monthly subscription fee if they migrate to higher bundle fee
*offer will be available at all Customer care Centers & Selected Customer care Points
*Zoom Modem only in working condition will be considered for replacement
*Has to clear due bill if postpaid
*offer applicable for customers who activated their connection before 2012
Citycell Zoom ULTRA SMART PLAN (Post-paid)
Citycell Zoom ULTRA SMART PLAN (Pre-paid)
August 25, 2018 at 12:05 AM
Well written.It was an useful information for my personal research.Thank you so much NEW AGE .
Here is the link of my reseach result : http://banglagolpo9.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-reasons-behind-citycells-failure.html
Again thank you so much :)